Wednesday, June 15, 2016


MingdiWade-Giles romanization Ming-ti, personal name (xingmingLiu Zhuang, temple name (miaohao) (Han) Xianzong (born ad 27China—died 75, China) posthumous name (shi) of the second emperor of the Dong (Eastern) Han dynasty(ad 25–220), during whose reign (ad 57–75) Buddhism is thought to have been introduced into China.
Legend recounts that Mingdi (“Enlightened Emperor”) was visited in a dream by a golden image of the Buddha Shakyamuni, seeking to be worshiped in China. The emperor is said to have responded by recruiting two Buddhist monks from Indiaand erecting the first Buddhist temple at Luoyang, the capital of the Dong Han.
Mingdi launched a military campaign to destroy the Xiongnu tribes plaguing China’s northwest frontier. Through intrigue as well as military might, the Han armies under the general Ban Chao succeeded in reestablishing Chinese influence in Inner Asia. Mingdi was succeeded by his son Zhangdi.

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