Monday, June 13, 2016


end of the ice age
Around 13,000 years ago the huge accumulation of ice in the north pole caused an instability of the earth because its great added weight. This caused the sudden shift in the axis of the earth. The earth's north pole shifted from the area of Hudson Bay, Canada in North America to its present location. This large 30 degree shift in latitude at some places, had tremendous consequences for several thousands of years thereafter, because the slowly melting ice at the location of the old pole started raising the levels of the oceans which thereafter caused recurring floods throughout the world. First along the low lying seashores then in low lying inland areas that became accessible to the rising water levels of the oceans. The British Isles became separated from the mainland Europe about 10,000 BC. because of the rising sea levels. Eventually the Mediterranean Sea also became connected to the Atlantic Ocean and its water levels rose and spread out, inundating many early cultures in its wake. Today roadways built in prehistoric times have been found below the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It is believed by many that the legend of Atlantis, as told by the Egyptians, also originates from these times, due to the rising sea levels. After a while the Mediterranean also rose to such levels that the small Black Sea basin, which was a freshwater lake before this time, also became connected to it. This initial connection caused a huge torrent of water to fill this basin.
Around 12,000 years ago the huge accumulation of ice at the poles caused an instability of the earth because its great added weight. This caused the sudden shift in the axis of the earth. The earth's north pole shifted from the area of Hudson Bay, Canada in North America to its present location. This large 30 degree shift in latitude at some places, had tremendous consequences for several thousands of years thereafter, because the slowly melting ice at the location of the old pole started raising the levels of the oceans, which thereafter caused recurring floods throughout the world. First along the low lying seashores then in low lying inland areas that became accessible to the rising water levels of the oceans. The British Isles became separated from the mainland Europe about 10,000 BC. because of the rising sea levels. Eventually the Mediterranean Sea also became connected to the Atlantic Ocean and its water levels rose and spread out, inundating many early cultures in its wake. Today roadways built in prehistoric times have been found below the waters of the Mediterranean Sea. It is believed by many that the legend of Atlantis, as told by the Egyptians, also originates from these times, due to the rising sea levels. After a while the Mediterranean also rose to such levels that the small Black Sea basin, which was a freshwater lake before this time, also became connected to it. This initial connection caused a huge torrent of water, equal in size to 400 times that of Niagara Falls to fill the Black Sea basin raising the water level by 500 feet of the previous smaller freshwater lake which was there. This also changed the sea from a freshwater lake to a salt water sea, that killed various freshwater creatures which lived there before. Their remains are still found in the deep parts of the sea and were used to date the actual time this flood occurred. The following map is from Charles Hapgood, "Maps of the ancient Sea Kings

The Sumerians left behind legends about the gods and their early settlement as told in the "Barton Tablets". These according to Christian O'brian "The Genius of the Few", tell of a land "of the gods" which at one time became frozen and cold, and eventually forced them south. I consider these myths about the Sumerian "gods" to be ancient recollections of very early events remembered for millenniums, that actually happened to the ancestors of the Sumerians, about their old homelands in the frozen land areas like Siberia. They called this place "Karsag". I believe that this freezing was caused by the shift in the North Pole 13,000 years ago, which plunged Central Siberia from a temperate climate to a polar climate, where the ground a few feet from the surface never thaws out. Scientists have found frozen mammoths in Siberia, whose stomachs were still filled with plants that are known to live only in temperate climates, and not in the arctic regions.
Some groups trapped in this new harsh climate after the pole shift were so decimated by the freezing Siberian weather that they probably reverted to a primitive subsistence, which they could never hope to recover from in their new harsh surroundings. The lucky ones further away were able to move and look for new lands in more favorable climate, such as the great southern lakes like the Black Sea, Caspean Sea, Lake Baikal areas.
Similar stories are also told by the Californian Indians of the Penuitan language group, who are believed by some linguists to be descendant of the Ob-Ugrians of North Western Siberia, who are a branch of the FinnoUgrian language group. The ancestors of these Penuitan Indians crossed the Berring Straights and traveled here from the north. These Indians also believe that their gods come from and live in the polar regions. Their language has many common words with Ugrian and FinnUgor languages to which Finnish, Hungarian, Estonian, Lappish, Samoyedic, and several other minority languages of Russia belong. The language group is scattered from the Pacific to central and northern Europe.
Historic linguists also claim that the ancestors of the early Iranians also lived in close proximity to the Ugrians (Hungarians, Vogul and Ostjak languages), based on some common early words. According to ancient Hungarian legends there was an intermarriage with the Iranic Alan people. It is no surprise then that Iranian myths also talk of the freezing north in ancient times. This is an excerp from the Avesta of the ancient Persians: "...At that time Airyana Vaejo had a pleasant climate, with 7 months of summer and only 5 months of winter. The forests were rich with game and the fields with grains. In the valleys many brooks flowed. This land however turned into a cursed land, where for 10 months it was winter and only 2 months was it summer, following the attacks of Ahra-Majnyu (the evil-devil)." This land could not have been Europe, since prior to the pole shift most of Europe was under ice or very cold, and only afterwards did it warm up.
The implications and consequences of a climate change of such magnitude must have had a tremendous effect, causing the decimation of populations in areas plunged into the arctic, due to the dying of plants and animals and the initial loss of food supply. It also caused the subsequent changes in a way of living and the great migrations away from a once hospitable original homeland for those that could still manage to escape. The initial places for this maximum climate change would have been in central Siberia, around 100 degree East longitude but it affected much of the north also. It is believed that the early FinnUgor nations during the Ice Age lived in what today is the Ukraine and as the ice receeded many of them moved north to scandinavia. A branch of them however then started moving east and crossed the northern part of the Ural mountains and spread all around it. Others mingling with the local indegenous people of the north east, such as the Samoyeds and others navigated much of the arctic and crossed into north America.   Portions settled in the western states and California and are called the Penuitan language family. Special branches went further south into Yucatan and became the Maya indians.  In the early phases these all had sizable ethnic elements which included the original north European caucasian types, not just the  later mixed Siberian types.
The time after the ice age was fairly warm even in the northern areas from 7300 to 5300BC  it was hot and dry.  Around 5,500BC another kind of catastrophy occurred. The flooding of the Black Sea . This was the "great flood", as told by Sumerian legend, which was borrowed by later civilizations of early Mesopotamia and was eventually written down in the Bible. Those who were able to escape this flood fled from this once fertile lowlands, into Eastern Europe but the majority headed toward the warm climate of the south, to Mesopotamia. They founded the first recorded civilization of mankind, whose literature actually survived.  Then from 5300 to 3000BC, following the Black Sea flood,  it was wet and warm and is known as  the W�rm period. After this it started to get continuously cold again in the north. Some groups trapped in this new harsh climate  were so decimated by the freezing Siberian weather that they probably reverted to a primitive life style, which they could never hope to recover from in their new harsh surroundings.

Searching for Noah's flood on the bottom of the Black Sea.
The flooding of the Black Sea and the Caspean Sea occured around  5,500BC  and affected mainly the north shore of the sea. The rising water levels in the Mediterranean and the connected Sea of Marmara next to modern Turkey, caused growing pressure on the earth's crust in a highly earthquake active region. This may have triggered major earth quakes and perhaps even some volcanic eruptions. This could have weakened or even lowered the earthen barrier between the Sea of Marmara and the Black Sea. Once this wall was breached, a huge waterfall, bigger than 40 Niagara Falls, started filling the much lower Black Sea basin, causing the destruction of the ancient civilization located there.

This was the "great flood", as told by Sumerian legend, which was borrowed by later civilizations of early Mesopotamia and was eventually written down in the Bible. Those who were able to escape this flood fled from this once fertile lowlands, into Eastern Europe but the majority headed toward the warm climate of the southern Mesopotamia. They founded the first civilization of mankind whose literature actually survived and is understood today. The Babylonian version of the flood goes into some detail about the fiery nature of the flood, which shook the ground and blackened the skies, along with the great flooding of the lowlands.

The agricultural revolution started in this general area and adjacent lands, like Anatolia (modern Turkey) long before the flood occurred. From here it first spread into eastern Europe, then toward Asia and lastly around the time of the Black Sea flood, into Mesopotamia. This agricultural revolution, transformed human life on this planet and brought about the early towns and cities which today are so universal, that everything else now is the very rare exception. When the Subarians and Sumerians first appeared in Mesopotamia they came as full blown agriculturalists, who transported their old culture to a new site, with farms, animal husbandry, towns and writing. The earliest known urban civilization. Yet a large concentration of that writing hasn't been found anywhere else, as though it was swallowed up by the sea. Obviously it had to have had a source of origin, and a place where it developed from primitive forms. While no concentration of written material has been found anywhere, there have been some surprising but meager finds in eastern Europe which we will discuss later.
The early Sumerians found a sparsely inhabited Mesopotamia and they descended down its great rivers, the Tigris and Euphrates, from their previous homelands in the north to eventually colonize southern Mesopotamia over a period of hundreds of years. This colonization required the successive adaptations of new seeds for the warmer climate and new farming methods, such as irrigation. Many early northern Sumerian cities attest to their origin and early presence in the north, and are recorded in early Sumerian legends, such as the legend of "En-Merkar and the lord of Aratta".
The earliest culture of Mesopotamia is called the Ubaid culture, which occurred around the same time as the flooding of the Black Sea basin, around 5,500 to 5,000 BC. There are some uncertainties about whether the Ubaid culture was Sumerian, but in general there is a peaceful evolution from the Ubaid culture to the Sumerian one, so its probably the same. Some have suggested that the Ubaid people were to be identified with the Subarians, which remained for a long time in Northern Mesopotamia. The Subarians were also not Semitic nor IndoEuropean and were probably similar in language to the Sumerians, even if not identical. We really don't know if that difference was only an archaic dialectical variation or a related language type. They also came from the north, from the same direction as the Sumerians and are mentioned by the Assyrians as "supri" , the aboriginals of Mesopotamia, since they were there before the coming of the Semites from Arabia. They were also called the SU by Sumerians.
With early Ubaidian society many technological innovations appeared from beaten copper tools, ceramics of more advanced design and advanced irrigation techniques. A more advanced kiln technology capable of smelting copper from ores. Several trade names in Sumerian appear to derive from this archaic Subarian (Suwar) dialect as well as several of the early Sumerian city names, indicating their early presence in Mesopotamia. The earlier Subarian presence and influence may explain certain key terms found in the northern Akkadian, which appear to be also related to Finn-Ugor but aren't present or quite distorted in the later Sumerian.
( kat=hand , pil=ear, paharu=potter = bog_ , �lu=city,town =aul in Turkic; palGe in FU etc)

The traditional length of the shortest and longest day in Sumerian.

Sumerian tradition claimed that the recorded longest and shortest days to be such a large variation, that it doesn't agree with the locality of southern Mesopotamia, but is instead near to the Black Sea in latitude. [ trying to find my misplaced references here ]
The northern shores of the Black Sea are the areas that most likely were originally suitable for agriculture in contrast to the southern steep rocky shores. Thus it seems only natural that the various Finn-Ugor language groups were close neighbors to the southern Sumerians, but as forest dwellers they didn't practice intensive farming. Most hunters and herder societies avoid it unless forced into it by harsh circumstances. While the precise location of the old Sumerian homeland isn't known, they may have been from a combination of various people that lived along the shores of the old lake who were able to escape the rising water levels, by boats or rafts. The flooding of the lake wasn't instantaneous, although it was accompanied by changing weather patterns due to all the moisture pumped into the air from the huge waterfall. This period was accompanied by unusually wet weather. The techtonic pressures created by the huge water pressure which quickly filled the basin, and which lowered the global ocean levels by about one foot, no doubt also caused volcanic eruptions and earthquakes in a seismically active region of the world.
The Sumerian Legend of Gilgamesh and the Flood

The story of the great flood as told in the Bible and in the legend of Gilgamesh, has just too many almost identical passages to be coincidental. It was saved from Sumerian in the context of the legend of Gilgamesh rather than a separate and independent story. The story was passed from one Mesopotamian culture to the others, and it became part of the traditional sacred literature of the region, recorded in the writings found in their libraries and retold in the stories told by their religions. Yet all the variations go back to the earliest literature of the world, the literature of the Sumerians, who brought it with them from their old home in the north. Naturally over time the memories about the flood became a simplified legend, with a moral story behind it, which was explained not as an act of nature but as an act of an angry god, who wished to punish mankind for its sins. It became a story of a hero, who managed to save all of mankind and the seed of all living things in face of the greatest natural disaster and the will of the gods. In the Sumerian version of the story the chief gods decided to destroy mankind and Ziusudra (Noah ) was only saved because he was warned by the chief benefactor god, Enki, even though many other gods and goddesses were also saddened by the decision.

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